Women in Tech Comm is dedicated to supporting the work of women in technical communication through mentoring, resources, and regularly scheduled events that promote networking and relationship building. The brainchild of former ATTW president, Michele Simmons, the Women in Tech Comm organization began in 2013 as an effort to draw attention to the problems that women, specifically, face in the academy and in technical communication as a field. After the initial luncheon at ATTW 2013, which was facilitated by a range of graduate students and faculty members, the organization solidified as a cross-generational, cross-institutional, cross-organizational group of women in technical communication who offer mentoring and support to other women in technical communication. Since that initial ATTW Luncheon, Women in Tech Comm has sponsored events through social media and at various conferences, including SIGDOC, CPTSC, and ATTW. Part research group, part mentoring group, Women in Tech Comm supports research that furthers our understanding of institutional inequity, gender equality, mentoring, and works to build an infrastructure of support for Women in Tech Comm.